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peringatan satu setengah abad bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "peringatan satu setengah abad"
  • peringatan:    admonition; commemorate; commemoration;
  • satu:    a; an; one; a, an; piece; ane; solid; single;
  • satu setengah:    one and a half
  • setengah:    a half; an a half; and a half; and half; half;
  • abad:    century; centuries; c; centenary; time; age;
  • peringatan setengah abad:    semicentennial
  • jam setengah satu:    twelve-thirty
  • satu setengah jam:    an hour and a half
  • ulang tahun setengah abad:    golden jubilee
  • peringatan:    admonition; commemorate; commemoration; expostulation; handwriting on the wall; memorial; notice; remembrance; reminder; tipoff; with caution; admonishment; caution; cautionary; example; warning; sp
  • setengah:    a half; an a half; and a half; and half; half; semi; half-; semi-; between; part; remnant; other side; side; opposite; halfway; one-half
  • setengah setengah:    patchy; bumpy; inhomogeneous; patches
  • setengah-setengah:    some; do things by halves; midway; halfway; vaguely; mistily
  • bekerja setengah-setengah:    did a thing by halves; do a thing by halves; doing a thing by halves; done a thing by halves
  • kebenaran setengah-setengah:    halftruth
  • In 2015, the sesquicentennial of the end of the war, the National Park Service released a publication titled Asians and Pacific Islanders and the Civil War about the service of the large number of combatants of Asian and Pacific Islander descent who fought during the war.
    Tahun 2015, dalam rangka peringatan satu setengah abad berakhirnya perang, National Park Service merilis tulisan berjudul Asians and Pacific Islanders and the Civil War tentang pengabdian dari banyak pejuang keturunan Kepulauan Asia dan Pacifik yang berjuang selama perang.